Elk Rapids - 231-307-4200 | Rapid City - 231-331-7010

Licensed Massage Therapy

Licensed Massage Therapists

Healing massage therapy can give a great benefit to those with muscle or fascia problems that restrict the healing process in your body.  We have massage therapists on staff to help you:

  • Reduce the development of muscular patterning and tension
  • Improve posture and re-balance your body/mind
  • Relieve pain in your muscles and joints
  • Ease constipation, gas and heartburn
  • Promote general relaxation
  • Stimulate intestinal movement
  • Eliminate excess fluid retention

Patty Moore, LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist), brings 25 years of experience to the table blending many techniques with her strength and finesse.   Experience why 95% of Patty's clients reschedule another massage! 

We want to give you every possible option to help your body heal and feel great again. Call today to schedule! (231) 331-7010

We look forward to hearing from you


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