Elk Rapids - 231-307-4200 | Rapid City - 231-331-7010

What to Expect

Welcome to Your First Visit

You’ll be welcomed by Debbie at the front desk and given some paperwork to fill out, which you can also find here on our website and fill out ahead of time. If you do this, remember to bring the completed forms with you when you come in for your visit.

Once the paperwork is complete, you’ll see Dr. Trevor for a full evaluation. This will include a scan at the Insight Subluxation Station to determine where in your body has nerve interference, which is affecting your health. The health evaluation includes a health history, a neurological evaluation, Heart Rate Variability, Thermography and sEMG scans, and range of motion to help determine where your vertebral subluxations are. We’ll discuss your health history and concerns to get a full picture of how we can help you.

Your first visit will last about an hour.

Your Second Visit

On your next visit with us, we’ll review all of Dr. Trevor’s findings from your examination and recommend a care plan for you, customized to your body’s needs. You’ll receive your first chiropractic adjustment, and financials will also be discussed on this visit.

30 minutes should be enough time to set aside for this appointment. If you have questions, please ask. We want you to have all the answers and feel comfortable with your health care decisions.

Your Regular Visits

When you come in for your routine visits with us, you can relax in our massage chair before seeing Dr. Trevor. We have several different areas in our open adjusting room, so you’ll be seen right away.

After 10-15 minutes of care, we’ll get you on your way!

We would love to answer any questions you might have about the amazing healing chiropractic can give you and your family. Call today! (231) 331-7010

We look forward to hearing from you


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